This function is used to remove blank from eems which can help to reduce the effect of scatter bands.

eem_remove_blank(eem, blank = NA)



An object of class eemlist.


An object of class eemlist.


An object of class eemlist.


The function will first try to use the provided blank. If the blank is omitted, the function will then try to extract the blank from the eemlist object. This is done by looking for sample names containing one of these complete or partial strings (ignoring case):

  1. nano

  2. miliq

  3. milliq

  4. mq

  5. blank

Note that if blank is omitted, the function will group the eemlist based on file location and will assumes that there is a blank sample in each folder. In that context, the blank will be used on each sample in the same folder. If more than one blank is found they will be averaged (a message will be printed if this appends).

Consider the following example where there are two folders that could represent scans performed on two different days `scans_day_1` and `scans_day_2`.


In each folder there are three samples and one blank files. In that context, `eem_remove_blank()` will use the blank `nano.csv` from `sample1.csv`, `sample2.csv` and `sample3.csv`. The same strategy will be used for files in folder `scans_day_2` but with blank named `blank.csv`.

Note that the blanks eem are not returned by the function.

Note that blank correction should be performed before Raman normalization (eem_raman_normalisation()). An error will occur if trying to perform blank correction after Raman normalization.


Murphy, K. R., Stedmon, C. a., Graeber, D., & Bro, R. (2013). Fluorescence spectroscopy and multi-way techniques. PARAFAC. Analytical Methods, 5(23), 6557.


## Example 1 # Open the fluorescence eem file <- system.file("extdata/cary/scans_day_1", "sample1.csv", package = "eemR") eem <- eem_read(file, import_function = "cary") plot(eem)
# Open the blank eem file <- system.file("extdata/cary/scans_day_1", "nano.csv", package = "eemR") blank <- eem_read(file, import_function = "cary") plot(blank)
# Remove the blank eem <- eem_remove_blank(eem, blank) plot(eem)
## Example 2 # Open the fluorescence eem folder <- system.file("extdata/cary/scans_day_1", package = "eemR") eems <- eem_read(folder, import_function = "cary") plot(eems, which = 3)
# Open the blank eem file <- system.file("extdata/cary/scans_day_1", "nano.csv", package = "eemR") blank <- eem_read(file, import_function = "cary") plot(blank)
# Remove the blank eems <- eem_remove_blank(eems, blank) plot(eems, which = 3)
# Automatic correction folder <- system.file("extdata/cary/", package = "eemR") # Look at the folder structure list.files(folder, "*.csv", recursive = TRUE)
#> [1] "scans_day_1/nano.csv" "scans_day_1/sample1.csv" #> [3] "scans_day_1/sample2.csv" "scans_day_1/sample3.csv" #> [5] "scans_day_2/blank.csv" "scans_day_2/s1.csv"
eems <- eem_read(folder, recursive = TRUE, import_function = "cary") res <- eem_remove_blank(eems)
#> A total of 1 blank EEMs will be averaged.
#> A total of 1 blank EEMs will be averaged.